About Working With Te Awhioraki.
We are always looking out for people to stand for positions on the executive, so if that might be you, keep reading! The executive is just the fancy word for the group of students responsible for governing Te Awhioraki, including things like finances, planning events and advocating for tauira Maori. The positions that make up the executive are;
SizingThese are the size charts used by our supplier, but you can always come in and try something on before buying! A range of sizes are available to try on in LUSA’s office in Grounded.
SupplierWe currently source all of our merchandise from AS Colour, and then we have used a local printing service to get our designs applied.
These positions are elected—meaning that while any student registered as a Maori student be nominated, other Maori students vote to determine who ends up in that position. You can find more information about the elections process here. Tauira elected to these positions also receive a small amount of pūtea as thanks for the work they do throughout the year.
While these roles make up the executive, that doesn’t mean you can’t be involved in other ways! In fact, we encourage you to come along and be involved as a member of our community before putting yourself forward for election to the executive, so that you can get some experience and a strong understanding of what you’re in for!
There can be a lot of mahi involved in what we do, but it can also be very rewarding to see the benefits we can bring for tauira Maori on campus. See What we do at LU for more info about what we do, email us at teawhioraki@lincolnuniversity.ac.nz or grab an existing member of the executive to ask them about their experience.